Our Case Management team works closely with our trainees, clients and their families on a variety of issues ranging from record expungements to family reunification. Our case managers assess, advocate, and show up for our clients to support in their journey to remove barriers that may hold them back from the future they envision

Our goal is to build a foundation of trust using an individualized approach that focuses on the needs of the client – we do whatever works to create a safe and welcoming space for the client by providing trauma-informed care uniquely designed to meet the complex needs of each person.

Our services come at no cost to our trainees and at low cost (subsidized) to our community clients whenever possible. We are proud to provide services in the following areas:



Our Workforce programs focuses on providing opportunities for those populations who struggle obtaining and maintaining gainful employment due to their barriers. Many of the trainees, especially our youth and those coming out of incarceration, have never had the experience of working in a professional setting and struggle to fit in. We provide a space for our trainees to develop their employability skills in a safe and appropriately-paced manner.


Counselors work closely with clients to assist them in redirecting their life’s course. They use evidence-based and research supported practices and interventions, which address thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Qualified facilitators and certified counselors use structural education, counseling, and modules, applying them according to each client’s needs. Click below for information on each class


Our re-entry and Prison to Employment Programs look to empower our clients to help them regain their dignity and place in their community. We use trauma-informed strategies to address recidivism in the most impacted communities in LA County. Our goal is to prevent and reduce violence by addressing the unique needs of our clients as they enter back into society. By coordinating with service providers, city leadership and schools we provide what we believe is the best wrap-around services for this population in the San Gabriel Valley.


Navigators serve as mentors who strive to create a sense of belonging, consistency and guidance that helps trainees move through a new way of life. Always available through their open door policy, the Navigator and Case Management team help clients develop plans for the future and direct them toward critical resources.


God’s Pantry strives to deliver excellence in all of services and programs we offer. If you feel like your experience was less than excellent, we encourage you to file a report using the form below. All claims are taken seriously and will be investigated and resolved to the best of our abilities. Click here to submit a report.